Mock CQC Inspection in London
Mock CQC Inspections
More and more, the CQC want to see that health and social care providers use external providers to undertake quality control and to undergo audits as part of their standard business practices. Care Skilled can provide both of these services for clients in addition to
mock CQC inspections carried out to the standards expected by the CQC themselves.
Upon completion of a mock inspection, we then produce a report for you in CQC format with a recommended, plain English action plan to follow. Your action plan will identify any gaps and issues we have noticed, allowing your registered managers, directors, and owners to understand what they need to do to improve in time for a real CQC inspection.
Clinical audits
Clinical audits are a vitally significant part in ensuring compliance and we can provide you with them on all main key areas. Let Care Skilled keep you aware and up to date with compliance issues on:
- Medicines Management
- Infection Prevention & Control
- Safeguarding
- End of Life
- Falls
- Patient Deterioration
- Tissue Viability
- Catheter & Continence Promotion
- Nutrition
- Patient Experience
- Effective Workforce
- …and more