Top Ten Ways to Ensure Care Staff Retention
With staff turnover rates averaging 30% nationally, retaining good staff is vital to the success and performance of any care organisation. What are you doing to ensure you retain your staff? We spoke to high performing residential care homes and domiciliary care operators to see what the common themes were for low staff turnover. We have listed the top ten ways to ensure care staff retention
Top Ten Ways to Ensure Care Staff Retention
1. Have a, clear philosophy that sets you apart and that employees can get behind
2. Effective sickness policies so staff are not continually asked to cover “emergency” shifts/visits
3. Training beyond the basic mandatory subjects so staff feel that they are developing personally.
4. Saying thank you and showing appreciation.
5. Managers leading by example.
6. Care standards set high and maintained.
7. Planned recruitment that ties in with planned growh to ensure one doesn’t outstrip the other.
8. Effective communication with staff so they feel belonging to the organisation.
9. Regular and planned supervisions and appraisals that are effective and link to training and development.
10. Clear potential career progression. Including outside of the organisation, i.e. helping care staff to move onto clinical training career paths
It’s all pretty basic stuff but it must be done together and not skimped upon anywhere. Go though the list and tick off any that you currently dont do or think you should be doing better. Then concentrate on these areas. Its a good idea to measure staff turnover regularly and make it one of your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). You can then measure it and see the effect of your actions as you implement them.
Do you agree ? What would you do differently ?
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